Unlocking the Secrets of Authentic Comedy: Tips from a Hollywood Insider

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Unlocking the Secrets of Authentic Comedy: Tips from a Hollywood Insider

Greetings, budding comedians! Today, we’re diving into the intriguing realm of comedy, unpacking some gems from Todd Berger, the Co-Writer of ‘The Happytime Murders Movie’. Let’s explore the essence of humor and how to create comedy that truly resonates.


Key Learning Points from Todd Berger’s Insights:

  1. Individual Humor vs. Mass Appeal: It’s natural that what you find hilarious might not resonate with everyone. When writing, focus on what genuinely makes you laugh. If it resonates with others, that’s a bonus.
  2. Write for Your Younger Self: Especially when aiming content at kids, think back to your younger years. What made the young you laugh?
  3. Stay Authentic: Authenticity is the backbone of great comedy. Todd, for instance, writes based on what he finds funny.
  4. Test Screenings Are Revelatory: The reactions during a test screening can be enlightening. Some jokes you think are a hit might not be received well, and vice versa.
  5. You Can’t Predict Comedy: There’s no secret recipe to guarantee laughter. Comedy is unpredictable. While there might be hits and misses, the key is to stay genuine.
  6. Write Movies YOU Want to Watch: Whether it’s for kids or adults, write what you’d love to watch. As Todd emphasizes, “We should all be our own audience.”
  7. Key Takeaway: “Be your own audience.” This could be the mantra for all content creators. Keep it in mind, and it’ll guide your creations.

With these insights from our stand-up comedy class, you’ll not only refine your comedic prowess but also produce content that’s authentic and, of course, laugh-out-loud funny. Keep writing, and let the laughter roll!

Tip: To master your comedy writing craft, consider enrolling in a stand-up comedy class.


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7Robert 30/30
8Tom Padovano 30/30
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John Smith

Los Angles

This is an excellent stand-up comedy course that will teach you the basics of joke writing, delivery, and stage presence. The course is taught by professional comedians, and you will get plenty of opportunities to perform your material. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in becoming a stand-up comedian.

Iryna Josse


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Bob Lopatkin

New York